The Battle Over Jerusalem and the Temple Mount
One of the primary obstacles to peace-making efforts in the Middle East has been the issue of dividing Jerusalem and control over the Temple Mount. Continued Muslim denial of Judaism’s historical and religious ties to Jerusalem and the Temple Mount, the Islamic Waqf’s illegal construction there, and the enlistment of international bodies to pass resolutions negating Jewish claims to the area present seemingly insurmountable barriers.
The Debate About Israeli Settlements
Settlements established by Israel in territories captured in the 1967 war have become a matter of great controversy among pro- and anti-settlement advocates who debate the legality of such communities. CAMERA explores the both the history and the legality of settlements.
‘Close Settlement of the Land’
Jewish Policy Center – Understanding the role of the United Nations in the restoration of Jewish sovereignty in the Middle East in 1948 is essential to understanding the legality of Israel’s post-1967 control of the land it acquired in a war of self-defense. The following is excerpted from “Palestinian Self-Determination: Possible Futures for the Unallocated Parts of the British Mandate,” a 1980 work by the late Professor Eugene V. Rostow, published in the Yale International Law Journal.
The Facts About Hamas/Hamas Charter
Hamas (Islamic Resistance Movement) is considered a terrorist organization by much of the non-Arab international community including Israel, the U.S., Canada, Japan, the U.K., Australia and the European Union. Its declared goal is to destroy the Jewish state and replace it with an Islamic one. Indeed, its enmity is directed not only toward Israel but toward Jews, in general. Article links to Hamas Charter.
Palestinian Islamic Jihad
Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ)is a small, largely Iranian-funded, U.S.-designated terrorist group. Although the group receives less media coverage than its competitor and sometime rival Hamas, the threat to Israel posed by PIJ is considerable. CAMERA offers a look at the history and objectives of a terror group whose reach has extended to the U.S.